Has your property suffered hurricane or wind damage? Is the damage partial or complete? The majority of property insurance contracts include tornado, hurricane, tropical and windstorm damage. Where physical damage is evident such as partial or entire walls or roofs are damaged, then determining coverage is straightforward.

There are many aspects such as the cost of repair or replacement that both residential and business owners need to take into consideration. Factors such as downtime to document business interruption or seeking temporary shelter for homeowners are also part of the process. Where damages are not so obvious, our public adjusters advise you the policy holder by examining the fine print of your insurance policy to assist you to receive what is due.

There are many grey areas in insurance policies that insurance companies will manipulate to pay out as little as possible or nothing at all or whichever is convenient to them. The wind versus water issues are a typical example. This is because property contracts that cover windstorm may exclude the damages of flood or flood policies may exclude damages caused by windstorms. The argument is too complex to cover here right now but this could leave property owners in a dilemma while the relevant parties point fingers at each other.

It is in your interests to contact our public adjusters in Boca Raton for advice to understand the intricacies of insurance coverage for hurricane or wind damage. We have extensive experience dealing with such scenarios and understand the loopholes and technicalities insurance companies use to protect their interests.

It makes sense to have an expert who has your interests at heart. We don’t represent the insurance company. The Florida Legislature’s Office of Program Policy Analysis and Government Accountability released statistics indicating that policy holders who hired public adjusters were paid 574% more money than those who didn’t. Those who hired public adjusters for hurricane related incidents received 747% more money.

Contact our public adjusters in Boca Raton right away and let us do the hard work and negotiations for you.